Dear Dr. Ioannou, we have just received vol.4, no.12(2005) / vol.5, nos. 2 and 3 (2006) of WSEAS Transactions on Systems (ISSN 1109-2777) for coverage in Zentralblatt MATH, thank you very much for your continuous support. However, while checking our files we had to realize the following gaps: vol.1, nos. 2/ 3/ 4 (2002); vol.4, nos. 1/ 2/ 11 (2005); vol.5, no.1 (2006) and therefore we kindly ask you to arrange that these so far missing issues will be sent as well as soon as possible for additional coverage. Looking forward to hearing from you in this matter we thank you very much for your kind assistence. With best wishes for a Happy New Year yours sincerely, B.-S. Peglau Mrs. Brigga-Sunhild Peglau journal acquisitions librarian Zentralblatt MATH Franklinstrasse 11 D - 10587 Berlin / Germany e-mail: