One-Way Line System for Transmitting
Energy or Information

Professor Michael Bank
HIT-Holon Institute of Technology
Abstract: There are three well known types of wire
lines for transmitting electrical energy or information.
The first type is ordinary two wires line (below
A-Line). The second type is so-called single-wire line,
where ground is in the role of the second wire.
Polyphase systems belong to the third type; three phase
system is the most popular among them. This article
presents a new electric transmission system named B-Line
which uses one line only and does not use ground.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Professor Michael Bank received the B.A and M.Sc.
degrees in communicational engineering from the
Leningrad Institute of Communications in 1960, received
the Ph.D. degree in 1969 in the field of FM signal
detection. He received Doctor of Science degree (Russian
equivalent of professor) in 1990. Since 1992 he is a
consultant in Israel communicational company Bezeq and a
professor in the Holon Institute of Technology (HIT). He
wrote four books and more than hundred articles. Prof.
Bank proposed new mobile communication method which
named Frequency Bank Signal (FBS) and new antenna for
mobile device named MB antenna. His research interests
include mobile communication systems theory and video
and audio compression methods.