A Study Model on the Rates for the Holidays in Romanian
Black Sea Resorts
Professor Mirela-Catrinel Voicu
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
West University of Timisoara, Romania
Abstract: In Romania, the Black Sea seaside is one
of the most popular places for the summer holidays. In
this paper we propose a database model including
information about the rates of holidays. This
information refers to resorts, hotels, hotel star
classifications, hotel room types, room amenities, hotel
facilities, the holiday time period, the day number of
holiday, dinning types, rates for accommodation, etc. We
built this database model based on data presented in
travel agencies' catalogues or websites.
We present some algorithms which can be used to explore
the data. Our study is focused on detecting the best
rates (depending on the tourist preferences) for the
summer holiday according to some other features. In
order to illustrate the applicability of these
algorithms to the real data, we use the information
provided by some travel agencies' catalogues and we
present the most interesting results of our study.
Such a study can help tourists in making a good decision
for their holiday and can also help hotel managers and
travel agencies to develop their business.
This kind of tourism is a particular type of tourism,
different from other Romanian ones, however our
algorithms can be adapted for different other tourism
types or for the case of sea tourism from other
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Mirela-Catrinel Voicu was born in Romania, in 1972. In
1995, she graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and
Computer Sciences, West University of Timisoara. She
received the MSc degree in Applied Mathematics,
Informatics in Economy and Computer Sciences from the
West University of Timisoara. She followed a training
course for PhD thesis at the National Institute for
Statistics and Economic Studies, Paris, France. She
received her PhD in 2001 from the University of
Timisoara, Romania (with the "Cum laude" distinction)
and from the University of Paris 13, France (with the "Tres
honorable avec felicitations" distinction). Currently
she is a Professor at the Department of Economic
Informatics, within the Faculty of Economics and
Business Administration, West University of Timisoara,
Romania, where, since 1995, she has held several
academic positions. Her activity includes Programming
and Internet Programming, Informatics in Economy,
Databases, OOP, Data structures. Through the
collaboration program between the Faculty of Economics
and Business Administration and the Faculty of
Mathematics and Informatics of the West University, she
has held classes with international participation, in
postgraduate education, in the section of "Mathematic
Modelling in economics and applied sciences" – Exchange
Rate Evolution Models – subject introduced within the
program due to the original contributions in her PhD.
During the collaboration between the Faculty of
Economics and Business Administration, West University
of Timisoara and CUOA – Italy, she has taught a
postgraduate class for the section of "Management of
Business and Public Administration", regarding the
Internet. She has 72 papers in conference proceedings or
refereed journals (from these papers, 19 have been
presented or published abroad). She has published 7
books (1 book in France and 6 books in Romania). She is
a reviewer and a member in international program
committee of various WSEAS conferences from abroad,
reviewer at "Journal of Knowledge, Communications and
Computing Technologies", member in the teams of 9
research projects (one of which is international) and
project manager for one research project. Since 2002,
she is a member of INFOREC (Romanian Association for
Economic Informatics Training Promotion), since 2005,
she is a member of WSEAS (World Scientific and
Engineering Academy and Society) and since 2009, she is
a member of SCT (Society for Computing Technologies).